When Christian Chensvold, Dandyism.net’s founder and guiding light for the past two decades, asked me to write a post commemorating the site’s twentieth anniversary, I felt deeply honored.

The invitation did not come as a surprise, however. As much as he would have liked to, it would have been unseemly for Christian to have written a paean to himself.

And I do have the credentials for the assignment. I was present almost at the creation. I was the third person to join the much missed forum, full of good fellowship and lively discussions. Christian was the first, of course. The late Michael Mattis, gone way before his time and who contributed so much to the site with his articles and elan, was the second. I had a quarter-of-a-century on those two, so I considered myself the doyen of the site, one of the original members of the Junta who ran the site, along with the likes of Robert Sacheli and Sean Hall, and among the first of contributors, before such noted writers as G. Bruce Boyer and Natty Adams.

Despite my advanced years, I am no retrocentric or stick-in-the-mud. I am au courant. I am technologically savvy. I own an iPhone. I followed Taylor Swift from city-to-city on her latest nationwide tour until she obtained a restraining order.

So when it came time to write this post, I did not waste my time trying to think of the appropriate sentiments or come up with the right words. I did what a modern writer does. I went to ChatGPT and typed: “Write a tribute to www.dandyism.net on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary.”

Reproduced herewith is a verbatim transcript of what ChatGPT came up with in thirty seconds:

Celebrating two decades of sartorial elegance and cultural panache, www.dandyism.net stands tall as a beacon of refined taste and timeless style. In an age where trends come and go with the blink of an eye, this bastion of dandyism has remained steadfast, championing the art of dressing with flair and distinction.

Since its inception twenty years ago, www.dandyism.net has served as a virtual salon for aficionados of dandyism, a place where the finest threads are celebrated, and the virtues of elegance, wit, and individuality are extolled. Through its meticulously curated content, it has not only chronicled the rich history of dandyism but also propelled it into the modern era, demonstrating that true style knows no bounds of time or convention.

With articles that delve into the lives of historical dandies, explore the nuances of bespoke tailoring, and offer insights into the latest trends in men’s fashion, www.dandyism.net has cultivated a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for dressing well and living well. It has become a virtual meeting place where dandies old and new can come together to exchange ideas, share inspiration, and revel in the beauty of fine clothing and accessories.

But www.dandyism.net is more than just a repository of fashion tips and historical anecdotes. It is a testament to the enduring appeal of self-expression through style, a reminder that the way we present ourselves to the world is a reflection of our innermost selves. In a world that often prioritizes conformity over individuality, www.dandyism.net reminds us of the power of dressing with intention, of using fashion as a form of self-expression and self-assurance.

As www.dandyism.net celebrates its twentieth anniversary, let us raise a glass to this venerable institution and the countless dandies it has inspired over the years. May it continue to shine as a beacon of elegance and sophistication for generations to come, reminding us all that true style never goes out of fashion. Cheers to twenty years of dandyism, and here’s to many more to come!

My sentiments exactly. — NICK WILLARD

Image generated by Lexica.art from the prompt “robot dressed as Regency dandy.” 

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