Dandyism In Practice

What does the dandy do when he wakes up early in the afternoon? Does he moon over beauty and contemplate the eternal verities? Does he […]

The Parks Of London

From “The Parks of London,” 1868 By Mary Elizabeth Braddon Image: “Portrait of Octave Maus” by Theo Van Rysselberghe But we must pass on to […]

The Prophet Of Dandyism

If it weren’t for Barbey d’Aurevilly, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. What do we mean? That if he hadn’t been born this week in […]

Blasé In The Face of Death

  In literature, dandyish characters occasionally find cause to duel. Sword in hand, Mikhail Lermontov’s dandyish Byronic hero Pechorin fights a duel on a cliff’s […]

The Amateur Of Fashion

The Amateur of Fashion By SC Hall The St. James’s Magazine, 1862 Towards the conclusion of the first decade of the present century, a young […]

Dandyism & Decadence

From “The Idea of Decadence in French Literature” By AE Carter, 1958 Dandy and decadent are fused in Baudelaire’s work and life. He affected an […]

But Knot For Me

The decadent dandy has as his guidebook “Against Nature,” the “poisonous” yellow book redolent of incense that Lord Henry gives to Dorian, the catalyst for […]

Spleen On Me

Since 1863, a certain type of young man — talented perhaps, but not creative; spiritual and philosophic, yet with expensive tastes; dismissive of commercial success, […]

Dandy Of The Apocalypse

  The Dandy Of The Apocalypse By Christian Chensvold   I am the dandy of the zombie apocalypse  Riding the underground tunnel amid blips, Lights […]